The following BIGs operate in Poland InfoMonitor Economic Information Bureau BIG InfoMonitor, National Debt Register Economic Information Bureau SA KRD Register of Debtors ERIF Economic Information Bureau SA National Economic Information Bureau KBIG, National Information on Telecommunications Debts. BIG supports companies in the field of prevention and management of receivables. In the KRD database you will find information about companies and individuals that have failed to fulfill their obligations towards other entities. The services of the Economic Information Bureau BIG can be used by both small and large companies, as well as individuals. Thanks to them, you will find out whether a given entity is financially credible.
Register of insolvent debtors The register is kept by the National Court Register, and debtors are entered into it on the basis of a court decision. The register is public, thanks to which everyone can check whether the entrepreneur is listed or not. In order to verify the financial Vietnam WhatsApp Number List status of a potential business partner, an application should be submitted to the National Court Register for a certificate that the entity is not entered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors CDN or that the entity is not entered KRSCDT. The cost of submitting the application is PLN If you already know the RDN number,the number under which the debtor is entered in the register, you can use this number to find the company in the register without submitting any applications.
Debt Exchanges Another way to check the credibility is to verify whether the contractor is listed on debt exchanges,in registers of debts put up for sale. You can easily find debt exchanges on the Internet. Check the information on the Internet The key issue in assessing the credibility of a company is undoubtedly checking the information available on the Internet. See the website, follow social media profiles and check opinions. From the available information, you can deduce whether a given entrepreneur is credible. Thanks to the opinions, we will find out whether the business partner with whom we intend to sign the contract pays the receivables within the prescribed period, and thusdoes not cause blockages in finances.