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A Few Ways I am Surviving (or Not Surviving) Social Distancing

Updated: May 19, 2020

Ok it feels like literally everyone has posted this one. But I’m going to be brutally honest here. There’s a lot of bullshit being tossed around related to surviving social distancing.

There’s the camps of “If you don’t emerge from this with a new skill, you’re not lacking time you’re lacking discipline”, and there’s the camp of “there will never be enough wine and comfort foods so I’m consuming all of them”.  There’s also the camp that I’m in. The dabblers.

We dabble in gratitude. We dabble in personal development.  We dabble in comfort items like wine and chocolate and Netflix. We dabble in online workouts. We dabble in relief. We dabble in quiet. We dabble in chaos. So this one is for you, the dabblers. 

Dabbling in Gratitude:

1. We have work. Remarkably, we get to continue working and providing for ourselves and our families. We know that what we are doing has significance, and if is doesn't, we sure as shit won’t be saying that. We get to work.

2. We have people.  We have people who need us. Who connect with us because of mutual care. We have people to cook for, to put to bed, to read stories with, to clean up after.  We have people to love, right here in this place or across the street or the country or whatever. In house or on screen, we have people.

3. We have time. There’s time, sure, but we are being pulled in many directions. We have time that was used for commutes, meetings, and waiting for Americanos.  We have time that we swore we didn’t have, to clean baseboards and organize spice cabinets. We have time that was used for salon visits and group fitness classes.  And yet, we are more tired than ever before. So, at the end of the day, we have time, to lay in bed with all the little humans that we created and big humans that we love, and just be still.  We have time to be still. And still is ok. But it doesn’t always feel ok. So, we dabble with stillness and busyness. 

This is an intense experience. “The Great Reset” is hard. It looks and feels different for everyone. With all this gratitude, I am still wrapping my head around it, and trying to survive.  Here’s my quick and dirty list of ways that I’m getting through this:

  1. Walks. Alone. Without my kids. Sometimes with music, sometimes in silence, sometimes on the phone. But 3-5 miles a day are helping me breathe.

  2. Video chats and facetime with the people who make me better. At least a few times each week, getting eye ball to eye ball, virtually, with the people that inspire me, love me, and hold me.

  3. Snuggles. I am attacked with kisses and hugs from my two little boys at least twice an hour, spontaneously, while I’m working. And I love it. So much.

  4. Chocolate. It’s ok. I’m usually a totally strict ketogenic eater, but I’m allowing some indulgence because what in the heck is going on in the world?! 

  5. Indoor workouts. I started using some of the online resources and try different styles. I’ve released the stress of keeping up with specific work out times right now, but I’m definitely enjoying the freedom to play.

  6. Gentleness. I’m trying to be more empathetic and gentle with others, and with myself. I hope that I can take this away with me.

Share your tips. Make this Great Reset something better than a shut down. Dabble in places and spaces in your own home and online that give you life. You don’t have to do everything, in the same way that you once did it. The is something new and we can become new too.

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