We believe that we can have an unsuccessful business but we will not allow our business to be less profitable than that of a neighbor. It is through such thinking and such competition that society survives and the cult of entrepreneurship progresses. Business should be done if it brings you happiness. After all what are we living for In order to be happy regardless of whether you have a startup a cafe or your own clothing brand. For me happiness is a moment of complete selfish satisfaction with life.
How to achieve your goal Every entrepreneur should have a healthy impudence to bargain to defend their rights. Parents do not instill such qualities in us and this is quite natural. After all cell phone number list they always wish you the best in their own mind but not the best in a global sense. And yet today I understand that impudence is not a tendency to raise one's voice or insult someone. This is an understanding of what exactly you want to do the ability to stubbornly go towards it and demand the same result from others.
Everyone wants to appear better than they really are more attractive attractive. That is why we all put such beautiful avatars on Facebook. We write such inspiring posts. And it seems to all of us that business is a part of us it is the solution to all our problems. After all it is with him that we will become even better. Business is like red lipstick you make up your lips and you immediately think that you have become more beautiful.